Course Information for
Development of Science in the Elementary and middle School
EDU 431 (3 Credit hours)


Catalog description
EDU 431 Development of Science in the Elementary and Middle School (3) Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education and completion of 1 course in General Education Biology or Physical Science. To prepare emergent professionals to become confident in their ability to implement science activities and to create an environment in which students become confident learners and participants of science. Must be taken during the semester prior to Directed Teaching.

Course Text

image for link to K-12 National  Science Press A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. The document -can be purchased in the book store or you can go to this URL to link to it in your browser or download a .pdf file from The National Academy Presses.


Instructor: Dr. Robert Sweetland
Phone: 375-7374
Office: Brandenburg 123 B
Office Hours: Times posted on schedule outside office door
Class Time: 50 minutes on a M W F as scheduled or as scheduled for PDS


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