Science Survey 2 (Anxiety?)


Observation Attitude Survey

SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree; N = Neutral, D = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree







1. I’m afraid of watching different objects or events.


2. I distrust what I observe.


3. I find that explaining what I see is complex and difficult to understand.


4. I’m turned on by new sights and ideas.


5. I’m interested in seeing everything I can.


6. I’m fascinated by watching things I haven't seen.


7. I look forward to learning from and about new sights and experiences.


8. Really looking at things is essential to our society.


9. Learning how to see and describe things in our world is important to our society.


10. I look for opportunities to do more to see new things to better understand the world.


Questions for you to think about:

Is it more important the teacher is an excellent observer or the student?

Is it more important the students values the teacher's observations or their own?

Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©