Literacy Principled Procedures for Educators and Curriculum Decision Makers
Principled procedures are descriptions of the kinds of actions teachers will use to guide their interactions with educators, parents, and their learners. They are based on their beliefs, wisdom of practice, research, and ethical considerations for the manner in which people want to be treated with each other, everything in school, and outside school to support a sustainable Earth.
- Strive to establish a literary community where learners participate in the ongoing literary life of the classroom/school where they come to value literary works and begin to support one another in developing attitudes and strategies required as lifelong learners, and where we as teachers model and demonstrate the kinds of literary activities that sustain literary communities.
- Encourage each learner's independent journey toward appreciation of literary works by providing activities that are satisfying, supportive, and enriching for each to learn strategies to be successful in understanding all varieties of literary works.
- Group and regroup learners for different literary events so that their needs and interests can be meet in a variety of teaching/learning situations, enabling them to move forward in their development gaining confidence and competence and eventually desiring to share their experiences and creations with one another.
- Immerse learners in a world of literary works through meaningful activities-listening, viewing, discussing, exploring, analyzing, experimenting, reading, rereading, and creating, where they reflect on different literary works in a literary community.
- Use learner's knowledge and interests to encourage them to create a variety of literary works, including writings, videos, art, dance, creative movement, drama, theater, music, television programs, radio programs, and Internet materials.
- Connect different literary works to each other so the process of literary development is strengthened, and learners can recognize that the processes of communication in different literary works has similarities, differences, and can be used separately or together to create a strong message.
- Deepen and extend the learner's personal responses to literary works by encouraging them to make life connections in order to build critical thinking and appreciate understanding, as well as extend their knowledge of how different literary pieces work within and across cultures
- Teachers need to organize and manage comprehensive literacy programs, including literacy events across the curriculum, with opportunities for literacy development as individuals, as part of a small group, and as part of the community as a whole.
- Schools need curriculum teams of teachers to design and implement literary programs that support each learner's development over the years. Programs that support teachers to monitor, track, assess, and reflect upon the learner's literary progress in order to develop teaching and learning strategies that will help them grow. Teams that create and share literary works and conduct classroom inquires, in order to modify, extend, and revise methods of assisting learners.
- Communicate and co-operate with parents and care givers throughout the school year about their children's literacy development, accepting their concerns, sharing with them significant observations and data, and valuing their support at home and at school in building lifelong learner.