Science Portfolio Sample 1
1. Teachers plan alone and with colleagues within and across disciplines and grade levels. They plan inquiry-based science programs for students by developing yearly and shorter term plans with students based on their interests, knowledge, understanding, abilities, and experiences. They select educational and assessment strategies to support student's development of science understandings in a nurturing community of science learners.
Artifact Demonstrates 2. Teachers facilitate learning by modeling skills of scientific inquiry and attitudes such as curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism in their interactions with students to show students how to focus inquires and discourse about scientific ideas and challenge them to accept responsibility and full participation for their understanding of science.
Artifact Demonstrates 3. Teachers assess their teaching. They continually and systematically gather data of their teaching actions and in-actions from personal, student, and colleague observations. They inquire, analyze, reflect on the data, and draw conclusions to guide future actions and in-actions to improve students' understanding and ability.
Artifact Demonstrates 4. Teachers assess students. They continually and systematically gather data on students through multiple methods with their own, students and colleagues observations of students actions and in-actions as they relate to their understandings. They analyze the information alone, with students, and colleagues and make recommendations to help students set and achieve goals, assess them, and report their progress to teachers, parents, and other interested people.
Artifact Demonstrates 5. Teachers design and manage learning environments with students so that time is available for safe extended meaningful investigations to help students learn scientific inquiry methods with a variety of tools in a variety of environments. In a manner that also nurtures positive dispositions and conceptual understandings of science content and perspectives of science by all students.
Artifact Demonstrates 6. Teachers develop communities of science learners that reflect the intellectual rigor of scientific inquiry and the attitudes and social values conducive to science learning by requiring respect for diverse ideas, skills, and experiences of all students. Allow students to make decisions about the content and context of their work. Require students to take responsibility for the learning of all members of the community by nurturing collaboration among students, structuring experiences to help students increase theirs and others scientific communication abilities, and appreciation for the skills, attitudes, and values of scientific inquiry.
Artifact Demonstrates Professional
1. Teachers actively participate in the development of a K-12 school science program through truly democratic means that seek appropriate allocation of time, resources for planning and implementing a science program, professional development, and ongoing program evaluation.
Artifact Demonstrates 2. Teachers actively investigate and reflect on science topics that are significant to the participants in the science field; using scientific methods to expand their personal science knowledge and ability to generate further knowledge while at the same time understand different perspectives of science and maintain positive attitudes towards science.
Artifact Demonstrates 3. Teachers integrate knowledge of science, learning, pedagogy, and students so that science learning can be integrated with all aspects of science, different disciplines, and generalized to a variety of real life situations.
Artifact Demonstrates 4. Teachers develop professionally alone and with colleagues an appreciation for lifelong learning and professional development through research and experiential knowledge to validate and generate new knowledge about how students learn science and teachers can facilitate that learning.
Artifact Demonstrates
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