Planning Assessment Check list - Activities, Lessons, Units









1. Structuring: Establishes an intellectual psychological, and physical environment that enables students to act and react productively.




Lesson has a clear flow from one to another(e.g. begin, middle, and end; activity to activity).




Students will have choices (e.g. what to do, study, how to learn, goal setting variability).




Students will have support to organize their learning (e.g. creating an outline, setting goals).




Includes clear definitions.




Provides clear directions, orally and visually, and motivates students to participate.




Helps students identify time and resource constraints.




Provides for frequent summary reviews and generalizations, often with the use of student self-assessment of their learning.




Attends to the organization of the learning environment to establish a positive, safe, and efficient environment for all student learning (e.g. not allowing student put downs, assuring all have opportunities to learn, have appropriate materials and distributes materials in an appropriate manner).




Structures and facilitates ongoing formal and informal discussion that focuses on the purposes of the activity.




2. Accepting Instructional Accountability: Holds students accountable for their learning and is willing to accept the responsibility for learning outcomes.




Will support students’ questions, discussions, and other communications.




Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning, to refine and explore their questions, and to share their thinking and results (e.g. pair share, cooperative groups, students challenge and correct other students, requires students to provide objective evidence to support conclusions).




Communicates to students that they all will be called upon to demonstrate their learning (e.g. has all students contribute, all students share results of their work, uses a method of random selection of students, asks all students if they agree or disagree).




Includes exploratory activities that will motivate and engage students in learning.




Provides continuous support for desired learning behaviors (e.g. scaffolding, social skills, goal setting, processes, metacognition, positive dispositions).




Provides feedback based on desired outcomes.




Communicates to students that accomplishment of learning goals is a responsibility they share with the teacher and each other.




Allows for high expectations for all students to participate and learn.




Includes continuous and appropriate assessment (e.g. diagnostic, formative, summative, and generative).




Will encourage risk taking with the students.




Will allow students' individual needs to be meet. (appropriate reinforcement opportunities, flexibillity as required, monitoring of students' behavior and understanding...).




3. Provides a Variety of Motivational, Challenging Activities: Uses a variety of activities that motivate and challenge all students to work to the utmost of their abilities.




Allows students to discover and solve problems to increase their intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy (e.g. doesn’t tell answers when students can, provides learning experiences beyond directed instruction).




Provides exciting and interesting activities with the students (e.g. concrete activities, students use materials, applicable to real life, problems that challenge, social interactions of students).




Paces activities so they move along smoothly and briskly.




Provides opportunities to take advantage of the students’ natural interests.




Provides students interactions for social learning.




Provides students with choices.




4. Models Appropriate Behaviors: Uses behaviors that are expected of the students and that are consistent with the behaviors related to effective learning.




Includes opportunities to model skills, attitudes, and values of inquiry.




Includes opportunities to model problem-solving and expansion of ideas.




Includes opportunities to model higher order intellectual processes.




Provides opportunities to model the use of concrete models and visualization to represent concepts and generalizations.




5. Facilitates Student Learning: Insures that information is accessible to students as input they can process to achieve the learning outcomes.




Allows for the adequate development of the concept(s) (e.g. listening, manipulating, writing, talking, and availability of ideas).




Provides opportunities to create a responsive classroom environment with most students actively involved (e.g. questioning strategies, pacing, using students’ ideas, active listening, students to make inferences about their ideas can evaluate their own learning).




Provides concrete learning experiences (e.g. students manipulate objects to learn and demonstrate their understanding in nonlinguistic ways).




Students are used as resources (e.g. Cooperative learning to use students as resources, uses students ideas and products).




Uses other teachers and community members as resources.




Assures sources of information are readily available for student use.




Equipment and materials are readily available to facilitate learning.




Uses instructional strategies to help students make connections between what is being learned and what they already know (brainstorm, KWL POE, charts, review).




Provides feedback and feedforward about children’s performances and progresses through diagnostic, formative, summative, and generative assessment.




Encourages students to organize and maintain their own devices to monitor their progress in learning and thinking (e.g. goal setting, goal checking, time maintenance).




Uses visuals to focus students’ attention and as an aid to understanding.




Opportunities to catche students up if they are tardy or return from a special class.




Opportunities for students want to think and solve problems.




Provides frequent opportunity for summary reviews and self-assessment of the learning (e.g. questioning strategies, check for understanding, thumbs up/down, multiple responses, probes the depth of students' understanding).




Provides students opportunities to communicate detailed explanations of ideas concretely with manipulatives, semi-concretely with visuals, and symbolically.




Has students discuss until all students have an understanding of the information. (e.g. has students repeat, paraphrase, teacher may paraphrase to see if students recognize any misunderstandings).




Helps students to connect new content to that previously learned.




Helps students relate the content to their other school and nonschool experiences.




Selected instructional strategies that help students correct their misconceptions (diagnose what students know, provide disequilibration, allow students to communicate what they learned in a variety of ways, and assess for generalization).




Includes a variety of questions, including questions that stimulate divergent thinking as well as those that cause convergent thinking.




Has opportunities to help students develop their own questioning skills and provides opportunities for students to design plans to find answers to their own questions (e.g. how to ask questions, creatively generate alternative questions, seek answers to questions).




Includes questioning sequences that elicit a variety of thinking skills and that maneuver students to higher levels of cognition.




Uses questions designed to help students to explore their knowledge, to develop new understandings, and to discover ways of applying their new understandings through generalizations.




6. Creates a Psychologically Safe Environment: Encourages a positive development of student self-esteem, provides psychologically safe learning environment, encourages creative thought and behavior, and offers appropriate nonevaluative and nonjudgmental responses.




Will create a risk free environment (e.g. regards mistakes as learning experiences, allows students to pass).




Lessons include times for students to show respect for the experiences and ideas of individual students (e.g. uses student's ideas, has students honor groups).




Empowers students (e.g. opportunities to use students’ ideas and give student choices).

Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©