Videos of learners representing decimal numbers with manipulatives
Supporting Notes on development of number sense, place value, unitizing and more ...
- Development of fractional number values, instructional ideas, sample activities, worksheets, and assessment. Focus is on the development of fractions as equal parts of a whole, sub groups, & equivalent fractions and decimal fractions. Work sheets include: fraction circles, circle disks, paper folding, area models, measurement models, number lines, hundred charts, challenges, & problem suggestions.
- Fractions, decimals, percent, ratio & proportion - development of fractions, decimals, percent, ratio, proportion, their operations, and connections
- Whole numbers, fractions, rational & irrational numbers, infinity, & number lines- instructional notes
- Fractional value & equivalency - scoring guide suggestions & rubric
Focus questions:
- How do each of their different strategies fit with the development of decimal numbers, number value, additon, subtraction, and place value?
- What would you be confident that each understands and doesn't?
- What activities would you recommend for their continual learning?
Decimal numbers
Video 1 ... (2:31)
- Compare 4.7 and 4.70
- What if can't add a zero day, then which is bigger?
- Use manipulatives and change the value of one
Video 2 ... (1:27)
- 4 - .7 =
- Solves with diagram ...