How far is a step?


The Roman soldiers used a technique called double-steps. What they did was to start out on their right foot and when they stepped with it a second time that was one step. The counted in groups of 1000 and called it a “mille passus” Latin, which gave us the word mile and the distance of one mile.

Investigstive Question

How many steps would it take for you to walk 100 meters?


science log, pencil, meter tape to measure 100 m, two markers, partner


Pace a marker at what you believe would be a good starting point.

Measure 100 m and put the second marker.

Walk to the start and practice taking steps that are equal length and in a comfortable rhythm.

Walk from the start to the finish, count the steps, and record the result.

Walk from the finish to the start, count the steps, and record the results.

Repeat another up and back, count the steps and record the results.

What is the average for the four trials?


Compare the walk to a slow jog or marathon pace

Try different types of surfaces (concrete, dirt, short grass, long grass or weeds, rocks)

Try different slopes (flat, slight slope, up and down hills, steep slope)

Double steps for 100 meters


Flat paved

flat grass

rolling hills


First count


Second count


Third count


Fourth count




Marathon Run


First count


Second count


Third count


Fourth count




Use your data to fill in the following chart:

Distance and pace

flat paved

__________ grass

_______ slope



 50 m


100 m


200 m


400 m (1/4 mile)


500 m


1000 m




 50 m


100 m


200 m


400 m (1/4 mile)


500 m


1000 m



Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©