Development of Mathematics in the Elementary and Middle School
3 Credit hours
Spring 2014
EDU 432 Development of Mathematics in the Elementary School (3) Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education and completion of all course work except the Pre-Directed Teaching semester and Directed Teaching. To prepare emergent professionals to become confident in their ability to implement mathematics and to create an environment in which students become confident learners and participants of mathematics. Must be taken during the semester prior to Directed Teaching. (F, S).
Andria P. Troutman and Patricia Diane Hunsader. (2013). Mathematics a Good Beginning seventh edition. Thomson Wadsworth Publishing Company: Belmont, CA.
Fosnot, Catherine Twomey; & Bill Jacob. (2010). Young Mathematicians at Work: Constructing Algebra. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.)
Instructor - Dr. Robert Sweetland
Email -
Phone - 375-7374
Office - Brandenburg 123 B
Office Hours -
times posted outside office door or by arrangement
Class Time - Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00 or 2:00