Environmental factors for other animals Experiments - snails

To make snails active you may have to place them in cool water for five minutes.

Snails and the optimum amount temperature

Question:  What is the optimum temperature for snails?

Equipment:  Rocks, sheet of plastic, thermometer, and a snail.

Procedure:  Place the snail on a sheet of plastic and place one rock in front of the snail and see if the snail will climb the rock.  If the snail climbs on the rock record the temperature of the rock in that column and if the snail didn’t climb on the rock record the temperature in that column.  Repeat with the other rocks and record below.  Remember to take the temperature of the rock often as it will change.  So if the snail won’t go onto the rock try another and then come back and try the rock again when its temperature changes.


What temperature were the rocks the snails did climb?

What temperature were the rocks that the snails didn’t climb?

Does the class data indicate an optimum temperature?

Did the snails show evidence of variation?



Snails and the optimum amount of light

Question:  What amount of light do snails choose?

Equipment:  Light source, polar overlay, marker, and a snail.

Procedure:  Take the light source and set it up so that the overlay will have the light at the zero point.  Darken the rest of the room and check the overlay to see if there are different amounts of light on the overlay with the most being at zero.  Then take the snail and place it at (0,0).  Follow the trail of the snail with the marker.  If the snail moves off the overlay then put it back at the center and start over again.  Continue for 10 minutes.

When all the teams are finished we will put all the overlays on the overhead projector so they are all facing the same way relative to ………………………

Record the results.


Does the data indicate an optimum range of light?

Was there evidence of variation?  Explain



Snails and the optimum amount of moisture

Question:  What amount of moisture do snails choose?

Equipment:  Polar overlay, a snail,




Record the results.


Does the data indicate an optimum range of moisture?

Was there evidence of variation?  Explain



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