Scoring guides & rubrics for algebra & patterns


Equality & meaning of = symbol (scoring guide & rubric)

Top level

  • Equal symbol means there is a relationship between numbers and or expressions represented on either side of the equal sign. A relationship among the numbers or expressions, which can be compared with or without calculations.
  • Equal symbol means there is a relationship between two equal numbers that can be found through calculations on each side of the equal symbol.
  • Understands that a number sentence doesn't have to be of the form a + b = c.
    It might be:
    • 5+2=2+5,
    • 7=5+2, 
    • 5+2=7+0,
    • ...
  • Understands the equal symbol consistently communicates something. 
    It might be: 
    • Equal symbol means the answer comes next, or
    • Use all the numbers to calculate an answer, or 
    • Extend the problem put 12 + 5 = 17

Lower level

Related information: Equal arm balance









Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes
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